Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Governance at Terra Nova Technologies

TNT is a recognised global leader in the safe, ethical execution of projects – considering both people and environment in our approaches.

Underlying responsibility for operational and managerial functions are ultimately governed via TNT’s hierarchical parent company, defining the governance structure within which we operate.

A sound corporate culture is the ultimate determinator of good governance practices. From our company leadership, through to the newest employee, TNT’s work culture is founded on our vision, mission and values.

It is imperative that every business within our Mining Group at a minimum abides by the set frameworks, values and standards, in addition to any legal, regulatory and contractual obligations within their operating jurisdictions.


  • Our code of conduct incorporates directives for operations that are as realistically actionable as they are ethical. The code of conduct is stipulated by our corporate Mining Group platform and applies to all its businesses, employees and stakeholders engaged in business. Disciplinary action is taken upon those who fail to adhere to the code.

    To ensure that the code and its related policies remain applicable to the nature and scale of the business, reviews and updates are made regularly as required.

  • Standards of Good Practice meet our corporate Mining Group requirements that align with the principles of the UN Global Compact, as well as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, setting a globally recognised precedent for operations.

  • Business practices apply specifically to TNT’s company executives and senior management personnel. To maintain transparency and responsibility for conduct, employees at this level are required to complete written declarations biannually that express their acknowledgement of the Group’s policies and provide confirmation that they are not aware of any policy infringements.

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